The Party Begins: Big News Inside! 🎉


We’ve been serving up sustainable fitness for women that DELIVERS on results for a whole year!

In the past 12 months, KBMers have been sharing that they:

  • Have never been more consistent with exercise in their LIFE
  • Are experiencing symptom-free cycles
  • Are hitting new PRs and nailing new skills
  • Finally stopped being so hard on themselves and started to ENJOY the process

This is a dream. come. true.

This month isn’t so much about celebrating the app, it’s about celebrating the community that it has fostered. YOU ALL have made this movement happen. I want to hug each and every one of you who has clicked “download” over the year, left a review, tried a workout, or become a lifetime member.

🎉 What to expect this month...

To say thanks, I have cooked up an ENTIRE MONTH of celebrations for us! Keep your eye out for:

⭐️ Giveaways from your favorite brands (the first one starts tomorrow on IG!)

⭐️ Contests

⭐️ IG Lives to answer your questions

⭐️ Live Zoom call party

⭐️ …some special surprises 🤩

and of course...

🎈31% off all KBM Programs!

That means you can start working out for hormone balance for less than $14, or get $344 off the lifetime member package! 🤩

Before we get to the sale details...story time!

Meet the KBM Founder

Hey, that's me!

Growing up, I was a competitive gymnast. It took a huge physical and mental toll on me, but I was lost without it. I turned to Crossfit and weightlifting, but more importantly, coaching athletes.

After studying nutrition in college, I also went to nursing school and worked as an Emergency RN for four years. It was then that I decided my gifts lie in helping people stay OUT of the ER by making them resilient AF via fitness.

This is where the story takes a turn. I struggled with exercise addiction + disordered eating. I struggled deeply in the trenches of postpartum. And despite knowing how important exercise is, it always left me feeling worse. I accumulated diagnoses of depression, anxiety, IBS, and PMDD (and more recently, Hashimoto’s). I ached all the time. My mind was at constant war with my body. There was no WAY I could preach “we all have the same 24 hours” like everyone else - especially as a mom.

The Birth of KBM

After finding research on women’s cycles and their connection to exercise, everything changed. I started to train cyclically, combining exercise science with female physiology. As I was building myself programs to improve MY relationship with fitness + improve my consistency, I was unknowingly building KBM.

It wasn’t until two years later, when I realized that I was more consistent than I’d EVER been, was building muscle like crazy, and felt crazy confident in my skin. I matched my pre-pregnancy lifting numbers and was having more fun in the process. The guilt that left my body when I could finally understand its language was priceless. I knew I had to share this gift with women everywhere.

KBM started as a course in 2022, but grew into an app last year. We’ve grown a community of over 100K on IG and amassed over 3,000 users on the app across 22 countries in just one year.

The KBM app is your one-stop shop for cyclical fitness. Learn with the course, move with the Vaults, build with the Unstoppable programs, and connect via the community. Let the celebrations begin!

Why will KBM change my life?

KBM stands for Keeping Balance Method®. It’s a fitness app for women that allows you to get MORE out of your workouts by aligning them to your hormonal cycles.

By moving WITH your hormonal shifts, you get the burn WITHOUT the burnout, the gains WITHOUT the drain, and finally feel how GOOD movement gets to be.

If you’re ready to take movement seriously but don’t want to sacrifice your life or your soul (been there done that), then KBM is the place for you.

Between your menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases, your body provides the perfect template for you to thrive. KBM just helps you harness that power.

🏷️ Get Your 31% off!

Unfamiliar with KBM app plans? Keep reading, I got you covered! Use code HBDKBM at checkout to get your savings! Hurry - expiring at the end of the month!

Dabbling in Cyclical Fitness: KBM Flex 💪🏼

Want quick, effective workouts from home that always hit just right? Get access to the cyclical workout Vaults - Build, Peak, Steady, and Ease. The Vaults allow you to choose your own home workouts based on your energy levels, equipment, and time frame.


Normally $19.99/month

$13.80/month with code HBDKBM


Normally $199.99/ year

$138/year with code HBDKBM

Lifting with Purpose: KBM Plus 🚀

Need more structure? Have more specific goals when it comes to strength training? In this plan, unlock everything in the Flex plan AND

  • The Unstoppable programs for progressive overload (two volumes worth that have a home and full version)
  • KBM Academy, the full course to master the KBM science and strategy
  • Unlimited form coaching with Courtney


Normally $39.99 month

$27.60/month with code HBDKBM


Normally $359.99/ year

$248.40/year with code HBDKBM

All plans come with...

⭐️ The Expert Lounge to supplement your journey with guest lectures from experts in the field of women's health

⭐️ KBM Fundamentals Course

⭐️ Community forums for support and connection

⭐️ Tracking abilities to monitor your progress

The BEST savings yet:


If you don't want to mess around with monthly or annual payments, the best bang for your buck is the lifetime membership opportunity. This is a one-time purchase to grant you access to EVERYTHING on the app for life - including future programs. Never pay again and reap the benefits of having the full experience! This month only, your 31% off code of HBDKBM saves you $344!

If you want to upgrade from a previous plan to the Full Experience (and want to apply your previous purchases), reply to this email with the word FE UPGRADE and I'll let you know what your prorated price is!

I'll see you guys over on the 'gram for the giveaways and more!

Any questions about KBM and if the app is right for you? Just hit reply to this email - it's me on the other side!


Courtney 🎂

Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

Read more from Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

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