
Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

Creator of Keeping Balance Method, fitness app for women 📱

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

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Why cycle syncing may not be for you.

I'm about to give you a little insider knowledge: Cycle syncing may not be for you. Yep, let me explain. When it comes to exercise, the term "cycle syncing" has become defined as doing different types of fitness throughout the cycle, such as strength training in the follicular phase, boxing or HIIT during the ovulatory phase, pilates in the luteal phase, and yoga in the menstrual phase. This approach is fabulous if you want to move your body more, work on your general fitness and wellness,...

about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Ladies, it's been an interesting few months in the world of fitness + women's health (my two ❤️'s), so I combed through the research to bring you the important stuff. I want to get straight to it, so let's cut the fluff and dive in! 1️⃣ Women need half as much exercise as men to get the same longevity benefit. YES, you read that correctly. The Journal of the American College of Cardiology published these findings last month. Ji, Gulati, et al used a prospective model on 412,413 American...

about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader! If you want to build muscle to get healthier, be more capable, and unlock the only "fountain of youth" that actually exists, I've learned in my 28 years of athletics that there’s four non-negotiables that are absolutely crucial for making strength training a sustainable staple in your weekly routine. And missing even one could be the difference between throwing in the towel and blasting your post-workout selfie all over IG. WHY? Because each of these elements isn't just a...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Hellooooo, friends! And welcome to March! Spring is just around the corner and I can FEEL the seasonal depression leaving my body. Hallelujah! January and February were super busy over at KBM HQ - in the best way possible! Here's the full scoop: 🍦 🍀 Introducing Unstoppable Volume 2 Wow, is this exciting! After a whole year of Unstoppable, I HEARD your cries for more! In January, Volume 2 was released to current Unstoppable members on pre-sale. The new installment is 16 weeks long, with all...

2 months ago • 3 min read

I literally cannot make this up, so buckle in. 🤣 Even if you don't watch reality TV, this is a must-read. First, some context. Love is Blind is a Netflix show where contestants date each other without ever seeing each other (there is a wall between them). Ultimately someone proposes, and after the other person answers, they finally get to see each other. The experiment aims to prove that love can truly be blind, but honestly, it's just darn good TV. I'm lowkey obsessed with it. Season six had...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Hi friend! Castor oil packs are taking over the wellness corner of the internet, but what exactly are they...and do they work? If you tuned into my Instagram stories this week, I shared how I used castor oil on my abdomen after feeling HELLA bloated. And also on a random stye that I got last year. And also...on my breasts if they're sore before my period. Wait, one cure for all of our ailments?! Sounds a little too good to be true. Especially when you consider that castor oil packs are mainly...

4 months ago • 5 min read

Happy New Year, KBM Fam! 🎉 Gosh, 2023 had it all - the ups, the downs, and the allll arounds. Today, you deserve to reflect on your own highlight reel and celebrate the HECK out of what you accomplished. Sure, we learned hard lessons and struggled at times. But screw it. We kicked ass, too. 💪🏻 Let's wrap up KBM's year and ring in the new year with some gifts, shall we?! This was a year of transformation for the Babilya crew, and if you told me this time last year I'd be writing this email...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Woohoo, it's Friday again! Which means I get to pop into your inbox and hopefully make you smile! How was your Halloween? Compared to our old neighborhood in Tennessee (who knew how to turn UP), trick-or-treating was pretty mild this year, but the kiddos still had a blast. And I certainly wasn't complaining about the 75-degree weather in my Eevee costume. We took a trip to the beautiful Desert Botanical Gardens here in Phoenix last weekend. Kellan decided that he'd like to plant something in...

6 months ago • 3 min read

Oh haaaay, Happy Friday, loves! This week I have been tapping into FIESTY Court mode, mainly because I'm descending into premenstrual land. #nofilter But while the world has been devastatingly heavy recently, my hope is that you can tap into the KBM community to get a dose of strength and empowerment. As a gentle reminder though, it's okay to succumb to the weight of what's happening around us and feel whatever we need to feel. As Virginia Satir famously said, humans need "four hugs a day for...

7 months ago • 3 min read

Hello, gorgeous! Well, we made it! And we're most definitely NOT in Kansas (Tennessee) anymore. Phoenix, AZ, we're home! Even though I'm exhausted from the 5-day drive out here, the drama of selling our old house, and having to eat on the floor + sleep on an air mattress for two weeks, it's officially in the rear view mirror. Minus the part where the moving truck forgot our couch and broke at least ten things. 😑 Speaking of the drive out here, we had a few really cool stops that I have to...

7 months ago • 3 min read
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