CKB Weekly: Your Brain on...the Menstrual Cycle


Woohoo, it's Friday again! Which means I get to pop into your inbox and hopefully make you smile!


How was your Halloween? Compared to our old neighborhood in Tennessee (who knew how to turn UP), trick-or-treating was pretty mild this year, but the kiddos still had a blast. And I certainly wasn't complaining about the 75-degree weather in my Eevee costume.


We took a trip to the beautiful Desert Botanical Gardens here in Phoenix last weekend. Kellan decided that he'd like to plant something in the kids' garden, which means that I planted something in the kids' garden. Really hope my swiss chard does well. And speaking of plants, my friend just informed me that I will be receiving a 3-foot tall lemon tree via mail on Monday. Best housewarming gift ever! You know what they say about life giving you lemons...



Alright, enough chit-chat. What's going on in the world of women's health + fitness?

Your Cycle is SUPPOSED to Make You Feel Different!

There was so much conversation about cyclical behavior last week after my post on brain changes throughout the cycle, but a few comments caught my eye: it seems that doctors are still telling women that they should not feel different throughout the month, or that there is simply no basis for it.


I'm not sure what's worse: that these docs don't believe women or that they simply don't know how the menstrual cycle works. One of the ways evolution ensures we survive as a species is to encourage certain behaviors based on whether or not we're fertile.


For example, how would the species benefit if women did not feel compelled to leave their dwellings when they're ovulating? Or if they had no libido whatsoever? If that were the case, then humans would probably not rule this planet right now.


To ensure that we take advantage of a readily available egg, our hormones ALSO encourage confidence, sociability, a libido, faster brain processing times, and TONS of other things that increase the chances of that egg getting fertilized.


On the flip side, when progesterone is highest in the luteal phase (when the egg is no longer available or perhaps already in cahoots with sperm), our behaviors shift to reflect more of a nurturing mode - which, again, benefits the specific purpose of that menstrual phase. Naturally, I made a reel to explain this more:




Menstrual Phase Affects...Concussion Recovery?

Yep, you read that correctly. Not only does sustaining a concussion affect your menstrual cycle (as I explain here), but the phase you were in when you sustained the injury can predict recovery times, as well.


When female athletes suffer a mild head injury in their follicular phase, they seem to score better on their recovery assessments. But there was another interesting pilot study that found that if the athlete was in her luteal phase during the injury, she reported less stress. This might be due to the protective nature of progesterone, but there can also be a "progesterone rebound" effect when it drops for menstruation - leading to worse symptoms.


As conflicting as the research is, this is super important for coaches and providers to be aware of. Unsurprisingly, it has been proposed that female athletes may be better off taking hormonal birth control to help protect against more serious concussion symptoms. Can you imagine if scientists discovered that testosterone played a role in hindering injury recovery in men, and the proposed answer was just to...cut off men's hormones entirely?



New Podcast Episode!

​22. Elite Athletes vs Healthy Humans​

This week, we're taking a look at some of the recent events in gymnastics and Crossfit, and how important it is to differentiate elite athletes from healthy humans. They are not one in the same, and confusing the two can have serious consequences for women. There's a reason these events are televised. It's a spectacle because these amazing athletes are the exception, not the rule. Enjoy!

New on the KBM App...

A few new workouts have been dropped inside the KBM Membership, and I'm so happy you're loving them! My favorite new session is the Lying Down workout (the third in this series) for the Ease Vault, which is perfect for when you're in your cycle straddler phase or are otherwise having a low energy day.


That's all for this week, love! See you next time! πŸ’‹



P.S. Needing some more structure when it comes to your workouts and your health goals? Stay tuned, because something is brewing...


Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

Read more from Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

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