πŸ€ What's New in KBM: March Updates!

Hellooooo, friends! And welcome to March!

Spring is just around the corner and I can FEEL the seasonal depression leaving my body. Hallelujah!

January and February were super busy over at KBM HQ - in the best way possible! Here's the full scoop: 🍦

πŸ€ Introducing Unstoppable Volume 2

Wow, is this exciting! After a whole year of Unstoppable, I HEARD your cries for more! In January, Volume 2 was released to current Unstoppable members on pre-sale. The new installment is 16 weeks long, with all new movements and even spicier finishers. Volume 2 continues to build on what you mastered in Volume 1, and introduces new skills, too! And of course - in the signature cyclical style that you love from KBM.

If you're already enrolled in Unstoppable Volume 1, you can add on Volume 2 by clicking HERE. ​

And if you haven't started a cyclical strength training program yet, stay tuned. πŸ˜‰

πŸ€ The Membership is getting some upgrades!

It is so important to me that you are part of KBM's growth. Thanks to the survey you all answered earlier this year, I've been able to implement some specific upgrades that were highly requested!

  • Better organization. In each Vault, your workouts are now sectioned by body part, as well as sections for no equipment/travel workouts and a section for new drops (so you never miss the chance to try the latest workouts).
  • In progress now: tracking! The team is hard at work putting buttons in every workout that will take you directly to the tracking page for that movement. That way, you can log your weights, add notes, or even add pictures to log your progress. You'll start to notice these buttons in Ease first, and they will roll out to the rest of the Vaults later this month! This feature is already in action in the Unstoppable programs, but membership girlies deserve it, too!
  • A cleaner feel. Previously, you could see all of the KBM programs on the app, regardless of if you'd purchased them. Now, you will only see programs you have purchased under your "Programs" tab. Less scrolling to find where you're going - yay!

πŸ€ New Workouts Galore!

So many new workouts have hit the Vaults! It's hard to pick a favorite, but I'll list a few!



  • ​Up and Down: a lower body + core workout that is sneaky-challenging!
  • ​Crossbody Body [build's version]: have I been listening to too much Taylor Swift? Maybe, and if you caught the reference in this full body + core workout, I salute you!



Which one is your fave?!

πŸ€ A VIP Option

Sometimes, it's hard to choose. And sometimes, you just KNOW that you're all in.

I've introduced a VIP package that gets you EVERYTHING in the app (to include KBM Academy, Unstoppable Volumes 1 and 2, the Vaults, and the Expert Lounge), PLUS automatic access to any new program I release within a year of your purchase date. And the coolest part is - you get lifetime access! It's a pay once/have forever kind of deal. No subscriptions, nothin. If you're interested, just reply to this email with the word UPGRADE and I can give you your prorated quote. Hurry though, because the price of the package will be increasing this year as more programs are released.

Haven't joined KBM at all yet? Click HERE for the Full Experience and get started today!


...whew! I know that was a lot, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to this email! I'm SO looking forward to supporting your journey this Spring!

With LOTS of love,

Courtney + the KBM Team (AKA the Babilya crew)

​Download KBM for Apple | Download KBM for Android​



Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

Read more from Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

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