The four essentials for strength training that SLAPS

Hey Reader!

If you want to build muscle to get healthier, be more capable, and unlock the only "fountain of youth" that actually exists, I've learned in my 28 years of athletics that there’s four non-negotiables that are absolutely crucial for making strength training a sustainable staple in your weekly routine.

And missing even one could be the difference between throwing in the towel and blasting your post-workout selfie all over IG.


Because each of these elements isn't just a nice-to-have.

They're your secret sauce - the things that run on autopilot under the surface to ensure your success. And here's the kicker – they all work together, kind of like all of your leg muscles working together to get you out of the bottom of your squat.

So here is the piping hot tea to sustainable strength training:

😍 Pre-wokout. Nope, NOT the supplement - I mean the OG pre-workout. SLEEP! Charing your battery and preparing your body the night before is the most impactful thing when it comes to exercise that doesn't suck. πŸ”‹ Aim for at least seven hours (or as much as you can get given your circumstances).

😍 Fuel, baby, fuel. Most women are under-fueled. Period. Whether this is intentional or not, the societal conditioning that less food is always better is a detriment to our gains and quite frankly, our souls.

😍 Knowing YOUR cycle. Are you really no good or are you in your late luteal phase? Are you really attracted to gym equipment or are you ovulating? Are you "unusually sore" or are you menstruating? Knowing how your cycle manifests for you makes all the difference for your mindset and how you approach the gym on any given day.

😍 A PLAN. Nothing sets you up for procrastination like not having a plan. Doing a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and looking around the gym until inspiration hits is not the move, ladies. Smart programming with built-in progressions, built-in menstrual cycle considerations, and just the right amount of challenge makes all the difference.

If you're struggling to get into a groove with strength training, here's a challenge for you.

Today, take a moment to reflect on your weekly habits. How is your sleep and nutrition? How close are you to your menstrual cycle? And do you go in with a plan or a prayer?

If you're thinking "psh, hell no Court!" here's a way to start:

πŸ‘‰ Spend five minutes less on your phone before bed tonight. Each night, start to increase that more and more.

πŸ‘‰ Head to a calorie estimator online for a rough idea of how much food you should be eating per day. Pro tip: ignore the "ideal weight" section. It's not accurate, especially if you lift weights.

πŸ‘‰ Download a free app like Stardust and start recording how you feel in each phase of your cycle.

I've seen the power of these elements firsthand. Take a look at some of the community wins from finding their groove! This is from a recent question box that I put on my IG:


Remember, it's not just about discipline; it's about a holistic approach that allows fitness to work FOR and WITH you towards your goals.

With love,

Courtney at KBM


P.S. - If any of this resonated with you or sparked a question, hit reply. I'm here to dive into this with you.

P.P.S - In the coming days and weeks I will be providing even MORE support around sustainable strength training for women and I can’t wait to support you even more!

Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

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