What Johnny from Love is Blind Taught Us About Women's Health

I literally cannot make this up, so buckle in. 🤣

Even if you don't watch reality TV, this is a must-read.

First, some context. Love is Blind is a Netflix show where contestants date each other without ever seeing each other (there is a wall between them). Ultimately someone proposes, and after the other person answers, they finally get to see each other. The experiment aims to prove that love can truly be blind, but honestly, it's just darn good TV. I'm lowkey obsessed with it.

Season six had plenty of drama, but the REAL drama had nothing to do with love triangles and everything to do with body literacy.

Johnny and Amy, the season's favorite couple, revealed that they hadn't been intimate because Amy isn't on birth control.

Johnny confessed that he assumed that all women were on birth control, and went on to say that since he's not ready for kids, he's afraid to be intimate because "there could literally be a Johnny Jr running around in nine months."

The internet went wild, and I...well, I couldn't help myself.

Now here's the best part: HE REPLIED TO ME.

After saying he thought the meme was hilarious, I invited him to this Saturday's masterclass on menstrual cycle charting.

His response:

Mad respect, Johnny. He sent over his email address and we have registered him to get the recording.

Here's what we can learn from all of this:

  1. There is still a HUGE misunderstanding about women's cycles, fertility, and birth control.
  2. Fertility awareness isn't just a women's issue. Both men and women need to be educated, because it affects relationships!
  3. Men ARE willing to learn, sometimes they just don't know what they don't know.
  4. Birth control is still considered the "norm" in our culture, which means the discussion around side effects and how it really affects the brain is more important than ever.

Now, obviously, pregnancy is a HUGE deal and proceeding with caution is completely understandable! But that's why I teamed up with one of THE best certified FEMM instructors out there so that you can be informed, not scared, about fertility.

In this two-hour interactive masterclass, we'll cover:

  • What is and isn't considered a normal menstrual cycle
  • Patterns to watch out for, red flags, and how to identify them
  • How to properly chart your menstrual cycle for both family planning AND your health
  • What the fertile window really is and how to identify it
  • The 411 on femtech - what works? What doesn't?
  • Birth control, postpartum, and irregular cycles

And at the end, you'll have the chance to ask us questions so that you can start charting right away.

There are only 24 hours until registration closes! Make sure you sign up before the class starts to get access (even if you can't make it live). Only $30 gets you:

  • Your ticket to the live class + Q and A session
  • The recording in case you can't make it live
  • The full workbook
  • Bonus content + worksheets

We know you (and Johnny) will get SO much out of it - even if you're already familiar with the four phases! This next step in your menstrual cycle literacy journey is crucial - and I can't wait to see you there!

Count down to 2024-02-24T17:00:00.000Z

Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

As a former ER nurse, I know how important it is to stick with the stuff that WORKS. I help women become stronger through sustainable + effective strategies that feel like coming home. I've made menstrual cycle-informed fitness the new natural way for women to train, helping thousands embrace their strength through my app. Welcome! Love, your friendly neighborhood fitness nurse.

Read more from Courtney Babilya | Women's Fitness Nurse

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